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An Introduction to Renewable Energy and How you can become a Renewable Energy Entrepreneur within A $1,977.6 Billion Market

According to Allied Market Research, they have advised that: “The global renewable energy market was valued at $888.7 Billion in 2020, and is projected to reach $1,977.6 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2021 to 2030.” You can see why this is a great opportunity for someone wanting to be a Renewable Energy Entrepreneur.

Renewable energy is the future of energy. The world has seen a significant increase in renewable energy sources and the use of this type of power is still growing. Construction and Trade business owners within renewable energy can make a lot of money by investing in renewable energy projects.

The first step to becoming a renewable energy entrepreneur is to pick a type of project or start-up that you are interested in working on. If you have no idea what to work on, then there are plenty of opportunities available that we will highlight below which can help you find something that suits your skillset or interests best.

Our 7 Figure Renewable Business Bootcamp will teach you how to build a 7 figure renewable business as a new model or as something that you can add onto your existing construction business model.

There are three things that the renewable sector covers, that’s:

  • Heat

  • Light

  • Power

That’s a lot of the Trades within construction meaning, that many trades people are going to be able to adapt, improve and evolve their business models to tap into this incredibly lucrative Billion Dollar Industry.

For those in construction, this is your chance to really make some money and get ahead of the competition. There are a lot of models in construction that are saturated:

  • Small ticket jobs

  • Repairs and maintenance

  • New build contracts

  • High order value contracts, but low margin.

A lot of these are very competitive and almost not worth doing.

BUT…Renewables is OPEN for you to take massive advantage, but your competitors do!

How can our 7 Figure Renewable Business Builder Bootcamp help you?

We are helping companies to understand and take advantage of the massive opportunities within the following industries:

  • EV

  • Solar

  • Air Source Network

We have specifically targeted these industries as opposed to ground source and wind because the opportunities within those three are the most lucrative.

Within the renewables industry, the margins are phenomenal and the order values are incredible, you can sell a solar job for £10K and make £5K, and the best thing is that because the renewable industry is brand new and the demand for renewable infrastructure is so high, its EXTREMELY easy to generate a lead and make a sale.

If you do that 5 times a week you’re making £50K Revenue, £25K profit within a week. Over a month, you are making, £200K in revenue, £100K in profit. Over a year, you will make £2.4 Million in revenue and 1.2 Million in profit!! These are great numbers!

Below are some tips and insights into how our 7 Figure Renewable Business Bootcamp can help you:

Lead Generation:

If you want to grow any business, its essential that you understand the source of which you are getting leads. How many people in construction do you know or in other industries that don’t have a marketing strategy! Businesses don’t have opportunities if they don’t have leads, they can’t make sales if they have no leads. The 7 Figure Renewable Business Builder Bootcamp will teach you how to generate the best leads within the renewable sector, great cost, high converting, very sellable, game changing leads.

To become successful in business, you need to be a good marketeer, our course covers specific marketing sections that will help and improve your marketing game.

Learn how to sell:

As a construction training business, one of the biggest things that we have come across over the last 2 years is that most tradesman don’t know how to sell. Trades people often sell like “Trades people”, they go into a home wearing dirty clothes after a job, unorganized, unprepared, unstructured with zero sales skills. Imagine a professional going round to a your home and trying to sell a £10K product, and they were all of the above, would you buy from them? Or would you buy from the professional that is well dressed, organized, prepared and structured?

We teach tradesman and businesses how to sell in the home. Our training is not genic sales training, its specifically designed and created for trades people around the 7 Figure Boiler Boot Camp Model that was implemented at Impra-Gas which grew from a one-man-in-a-van in 2012 to an award winning company within just 7 years with an annual revenue of almost £12 million.

Former BBC Apprentice Winner Joseph Valente teaches our students how to build field-based models, using their own sales force that sell products for the construction industry. It doesn’t matter if its bathrooms, Kitchens, renewables, Air, Solar or EV Joseph has taught every trade how to sell.

Our course gives you every opportunity to be successful in selling high ticket items, to ensure that you succeed against your competitors.

You need people:

How many employees do you have in your business? If you haven’t got the right people, then your business is never going to grow. Being a one man band or having a maximum of 5 people is not enough, you have to scale. In order to get to 7 Figures, you need people and to build a business of any value you need people, systems, processes.

To grow your business its important that you recruit the BEST people and not any person in your organization draining resources, cash, time and taking up a role that somebody else could be doing effectively. Most people are afraid to hire because its a minefield, however our course teaches you how to find and recruit the best talent for your business. The course includes our Trade Recruit services and modules to assist your business in finding the best engineers and sales professionals on the job market.

What is your end goal?

This is an important question, that I want each and everyone of you asking yourselves right now, a lot of tradesman only think short term and don’t have a strategy for longer term success.

Its important to understand that if your goal is to achieve longer term success, you will only achieve this if you are willing to invest in yourself with the business training that we have to offer.

The key to building a successful business is you and becoming a Renewable Energy Entrepreneur!


Chris Ruggiero

Author Chris Ruggiero

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